How Ag equipment can benefit from the new oil categories

Tractor in field Tractor in field

If you maintain tractors or other agricultural equipment, you’re no doubt aware of the recent introduction of two new API oil categories, CK-4 and FA-4, but you may not be sure what it means to you. True, the main driver behind the development of these oils was the redesign of diesel engines for greater fuel economy and lower emissions, but the ag industry stands to gain a number of benefits from these new oils- particularly from the CK-4 category.


Robust Testing to Match Quality Performance


Before we launched our Delo® 400 line of CK-4 and FA-4 products, we undertook the most extensive field testing ever for a Chevron Delo product launch. We tested our products across a wide variety of vehicle types, both on- and off-highway, including agricultural equipment. What we found in general, was that this new generation of oils performed better than comparable CJ-4 oils on a number of key measures – notably oxidation stability, piston deposit control and wear protection. These attributes are particularly valuable for farm equipment that operates in rugged, dusty conditions and high seasonal temperatures.  The improved characteristics mean that the oils can safely deliver longer drain intervals – equating to lower maintenance costs, less equipment downtime, and ultimately prolonged engine life.


As the agriculture industry progressively migrates to newer engine models, it’s also worth noting that all the major diesel engine manufacturers are now recommending longer drain intervals for these new oils when used with newer engines.


Transitioning to New Oils


Recognizing that the transition to the new oil categories is not as urgent an issue for ag and other off-road equipment operators, Chevron is keeping our Delo® 400 LE 15W-40 CJ-4 product available for an extended period to allow more time to make the switch. In the meantime, you might want to check out our Delo 400 Advanced Heavy Duty Engine Oils Transition Guide to help choose the right new oil based on what you currently use. Also, don’t hesitate to contact us for advice, we are here to help make the transition as smooth as possible.


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About the Author: With over 35 years in the oil and gas industry, Dan Holdmeyer has worked for Chevron the past 14 years, serving in a variety of capacities with the company in addition to his current post as Industrial and Coolants Brand Manager where he works as a lubrication engineer that supports Chevron Delo and other related lubricants brands. He plays an integral role in supporting and managing a variety of programs related to off-highway and on-highway lubrication needs. Dan also works as Chevron’s Training Specialist for their Global Lubricants division since joining the company. Prior to joining Chevron, Dan worked as a Field Engineer at Mobil Oil Corporation for 20 years (1979-99) after graduating from the University of Missouri-Columbia with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering.

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