Plastics Products Manufacturing

Improve performance on every process
In high-demand production runs, we know you need availability, precision and 24/7 performance. We help you succeed with premium industrial lubricants that help minimize wear and prevent breakdowns, so you can get more out of your equipment investment.
Reduce your rejects

Chevron manufacturing lubricants are formulated to handle extreme processes and pressures throughout your plant. They help prevent buildup of the solids and varnish that can cause valves to stick, pumps to wear out and products to be improperly molded and ultimately rejected. Using high-integrity oil can lead to a cleaner system, which helps you run more efficiently, extend equipment life and fill your orders quickly and consistently with quality end products. View brochure >
Protection across your operation
Chevron has developed specialized knowledge, outstanding products and tailored programs to cover a wide range of applications for plastics products manufacturing operations.
Boost operational efficiency

When your equipment runs smoother and more reliably, your overall operation becomes more efficient. Our experts have serviced the plastics products manufacturing industry for decades. We can work with you to look for ways to streamline and make improvements throughout your plant, from maintenance practices to lubricant inventories to used oil analysis.
See how one manufacturer improved energy efficiency by 4.2%
The best performance comes from best practices
Our experts can perform a best-in-class assessment of your operation to help guide all aspects of your lubrication program, including product selection, storage and handling, as well as preventive maintenance. We can also help you implement LubeWatch®, a robust oil analysis program that helps you detect lubricant degradation, optimize drain intervals, and avoid the contaminants and varnish that can jam servo valves and cause rejects.