Keep it fresh: Delivering perishable goods demands dependability

Equipment reliability is absolutely critical to Boaty’s business. Boaty’s Transport is a family-owned refrigerated trucking company based in Jackson, Georgia. Founded by Michael “Boaty” Boatwright with just a single tractor in 1991, the company now operates 70 tractors and 80 trailers, delivering fresh produce and other perishables to grocery stores across the country.
If a shipment arrives late and the product is no longer fresh, it can literally mean a loss of as much as $100,000 – which is why Boaty and team take every measure possible to minimize the risk of engine failure and maximize uptime.
Boaty’s Transport participated in the testing of our API FA-4 Delo® 400 ZFA SAE 10W-30, formulated with advanced anti-wear technology. Watch this video to see how a Paccar MX13 diesel engine with over 530,000 service miles/852952 service km looks after using the new Delo oil in combination with Delo® Extended Life Coolant. You’ll also hear Boaty himself talk about the combination of improved fuel economy and wear protection the company has experienced with the Delo products.